Microsoft Font Folder Mac
- Microsoft Font Folder Mac Version
- Folder Font Size
- Change Folder Fonts Windows 10
- Where Is My Font Folder
- Mac Font Directory
- Where Is The Font Folder
On the Mac you use the Font Book to add the font and then copy it to the Windows Office Compatible folder. Many third parties outside of Microsoft package their fonts files to reduce file size and to make downloading faster. If you have downloaded a font that is saved format double-click the zip file to open it.
- To find and install default Microsoft fonts on a Mac: Navigate HERE in your browser. Download the.ZIP file. Unzip it (double-click it). Open the folder that appears. Select all the.TTF files inside the folder. With the files selected, right-click. From the pop-up menu, choose 'open with →.
- Microsoft Typography documentation. Microsoft Typography group researches and develops font technologies and supports the development of OpenType fonts by independent type vendors.
- In the Font Book app on your Mac, select a font, then choose File Validate Font. In the Font Validation window, click the disclosure triangle next to a font to review it. A green icon indicates the font passed, a yellow icon indicates a warning, and a red icon indicates it failed.
- Microsoft Font Maker. Use your pen to create a custom font based on the nuances of your own handwriting. Install the fonts you create to add a personal touch to everything you do.
- Sep 18, 2019 How to install fonts on a Mac. You may encounter some trouble with things like older Microsoft Word apps, which may not be properly set up to accept new fonts. This lets you browse for font.
- Font locations in Mac OS X: An application's own Fonts folder. Some applications have their own private font folders. These are located either inside the application's folder, or in the Application Support folder in the common Library folder.
An important development in Windows 10 is the Universal Windows Platform (UWP): a converged app platform allowing a developer to create a single app that can run on all Windows devices. Windows fonts are one aspect of this convergence: Windows 10 introduces a recommended UWP font set that is common across all editions that support UWP, including Desktop, Server, and Xbox.
A number of additional fonts are available for Desktop and Server, including all other fonts from previous releases. However, not all of these are pre-installed by default in all images. In order to make disk usage and font choices more relevant to users according to the languages that they use, a number of fonts have been moved into optional, on-demand packages. These packages are designed around the different scripts that fonts are primarily intended to support, and most are installed automatically by Windows Update when the associated languages are enabled in language settings (for example, by enabling a keyboard). Any of these Feature On Demand (FOD) packages can also be installed manually via Settings. To add font packages manually, select the Start button, and then select Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Manage optional features.
The following is a list of desktop font sets that are present in the most updated version of Windows 10.
Below you will also find list of fonts in each of the Feature On Demand (FOD) packages.
Microsoft Font Folder Mac Version
Please note: Not all of the Desktop fonts will be in non-desktop editions of Windows 10 such as Xbox, HoloLens, Surface Hub, etc.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Arial | Arial | Arial.ttf | 7.00 |
Arial Italic | Ariali.ttf | 7.00 | |
Arial Bold | Arialbd.ttf | 7.00 | |
Arial Bold Italic | Arialbi.ttf | 7.00 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | Ariblk.ttf | 5.23 |
Bahnschrift | Bahnschrift * | Bahnschrift.ttf | 2.01 |
Calibri | Calibri Light | Calibril.ttf | 6.22 |
Calibri Light Italic | Calibrili.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri | Calibri.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri Italic | Calibrii.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri Bold | Calibrib.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri Bold Italic | Calibriz.ttf | 6.22 | |
Cambria | Cambria | Cambria.ttc | 6.99 |
Cambria Italic | Cambriai.ttf | 6.98 | |
Cambria Bold | Cambriab.ttf | 6.98 | |
Cambria Bold Italic | Cambriaz.ttf | 6.98 | |
Cambria Math | Cambria Math | Cambria.ttc | 6.99 |
Candara | Candara Light * | Candaral.ttf | 5.63 |
Candara Light Italic * | Candarali.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara | Candara.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara Italic | Candarai.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara Bold | Candarab.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara Bold Italic | Candaraz.ttf | 5.62 | |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | Comic.ttf | 5.14 |
Comic Sans MS Italic | Comici.ttf | 5.14 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold | Comicbd.ttf | 5.14 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold Italic | Comicz.ttf | 5.14 | |
Consolas | Consolas | Consola.ttf | 7.00 |
Consolas Italic | Consolai.ttf | 7.00 | |
Consolas Bold | Consolab.ttf | 7.00 | |
Consolas Bold Italic | Consolaz.ttf | 7.00 | |
Constantia | Constantia | Constan.ttf | 5.93 |
Constantia Italic | Constani.ttf | 5.93 | |
Constantia Bold | Constanb.ttf | 5.93 | |
Constantia Bold Italic | Constanz.ttf | 5.93 | |
Corbel | Corbel Light * | Corbell.ttf | 5.90 |
Corbel Light Italic * | Corbelli.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel | Corbel.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel Italic | Corbeli.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel Bold | Corbelb.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel Bold Italic | Corbelz.ttf | 5.90 | |
Courier New | Courier New | Cour.ttf | 6.92 |
Courier New Italic | Couri.ttf | 6.91 | |
Courier New Bold | Courbd.ttf | 6.92 | |
Courier New Bold Italic | Courbi.ttf | 6.91 | |
Ebrima | Ebrima | Ebrima.ttf | 5.12 |
Ebrima Bold | Ebrimabd.ttf | 5.12 | |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium | Framd.ttf | 5.02 |
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic | Framdit.ttf | 5.01 | |
Gabriola | Gabriola | Gabriola.ttf | 5.93 |
Gadugi | Gadugi | Gadugi.ttf | 1.12 |
Gadugi Bold | Gadugib.ttf | 1.12 | |
Georgia | Georgia | Georgia.ttf | 5.59 |
Georgia Italic | Georgiai.ttf | 5.59 | |
Georgia Bold | Georgiab.ttf | 5.59 | |
Georgia Bold Italic | Georgiaz.ttf | 5.59 | |
HoloLens MDL2 Assets | HoloLens MDL2 Assets * | Holomdl2.ttf | 2.02 |
Impact | Impact | Impact.ttf | 5.11 |
Ink Free | Ink Free * | Inkfree.ttf | 1.00 |
Javanese Text | Javanese Text | Javatext.ttf | 1.09 |
Leelawadee UI | Leelawadee UI | Leelawui.ttf | 5.05 |
Leelawadee UI Semilight | Leeluisl.ttf | 5.05 | |
Leelawadee UI Bold | Leelauib.ttf | 5.05 | |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console | Lucon.ttf | 5.01 |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode | L_10646.ttf | 5.01 |
Malgun Gothic | Malgun Gothic | Malgun.ttf | 6.68 |
Malgun Gothic Bold | Malgunbd.ttf | 6.68 | |
Malgun Gothic Semilight * | Malgunsl.ttf | 6.68 | |
Marlett | Marlett | Marlett.ttf | 5.01 |
Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft Himalaya | Himalaya.ttf | 5.23 |
Microsoft JhengHei | Microsoft JhengHei Light | Msjhl.ttc | 6.14 |
Microsoft JhengHei | Msjh.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft JhengHei Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.13 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Light | Msjhl.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI | Msjh.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.13 | |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Microsoft New Tai Lue | Ntailu.ttf | 5.99 |
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold | Ntailub.ttf | 5.99 | |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Microsoft PhagsPa | Phagspa.ttf | 6.00 |
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold | PhagsPaB.ttf | 6.00 | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif | Micross.ttf | 7.00 |
Microsoft Tai Le | Microsoft Tai Le | Taile.ttf | 6.00 |
Microsoft Tai Le Bold | TaiLeb.ttf | 6.00 | |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei Light | Msyhl.ttc | 6.23 |
Microsoft YaHei | Msyh.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft YaHei Bold | Msyhbd.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI Light | Msyhl.ttc | 6.23 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI | Msyh.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI Bold | Msyhbd.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Microsoft Yi Baiti | Msyi.ttf | 6.00 |
MingLiU-ExtB | MingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.02 |
PMingLiU-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.02 | |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Mingliub.ttc | 7.02 | |
Mongolian Baiti | Mongolian Baiti | Monbaiti.ttf | 5.53 |
MS Gothic | MS Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.30 |
MS PGothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.30 | |
MS UI Gothic | Msgothic.ttc | 5.30 | |
MV Boli | MV Boli | Mvboli.ttf | 6.84 |
Myanmar Text | Myanmar Text | Mmrtext.ttf | 1.18 |
Myanmar Text Bold | Mmrtextb.ttf | 1.18 | |
Nirmala UI | Nirmala UI Semilight | Nirmalas.ttf | 1.37 |
Nirmala UI | Nirmala.ttf | 1.37 | |
Nirmala UI Bold | Nirmalab.ttf | 1.37 | |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype | Pala.ttf | 5.03 |
Palatino Linotype Italic | Palai.ttf | 5.03 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold | Palab.ttf | 5.03 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic | Palabi.ttf | 5.03 | |
Segoe MDL2 Assets | Segoe MDL2 Assets * | Segmdl2.ttf | 1.68 |
Segoe Print | Segoe Print | Segoepr.ttf | 5.04 |
Segoe Print Bold | Segoeprb.ttf | 5.04 | |
Segoe Script | Segoe Script | Segoesc.ttf | 5.02 |
Segoe Script Bold | Segoescb.ttf | 5.02 | |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI Light | Segoeuil.ttf | 5.60 |
Segoe UI Light Italic | Seguili.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Semilight | Segoeuisl.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Semilight Italic | Seguisli.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI | Segoeui.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Italic | Segoeuii.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Semibold | Seguisb.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Semibold Italic | Seguisbi.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Bold | Segoeuib.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Bold Italic | Segoeuiz.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Black | Seguibl.ttf | 2.01 | |
Segoe UI Black Italic | Seguibli.ttf | 2.01 | |
Segoe UI Historic | Segoe UI Historic * | Seguihis.ttf | 1.03 |
Segoe UI Emoji | Segoe UI Emoji | Seguiemj.ttf | 1.27 |
Segoe UI Symbol | Segoe UI Symbol | Seguisym.ttf | 6.23 |
SimSun | SimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.16 |
NSimSun | Simsun.ttc | 5.16 | |
SimSun-ExtB | Simsunb.ttf | 5.03 | |
Sitka | Sitka Small | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 |
Sitka Small Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Small Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Small Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen | Sylfaen.ttf | 5.06 |
Symbol | Symbol | Symbol.ttf | 5.01 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | Tahoma.ttf | 7.00 |
Tahoma Bold | Tahomabd.ttf | 7.00 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | Times.ttf | 7.00 |
Times New Roman Italic | Timesi.ttf | 7.00 | |
Times New Roman Bold | Timesbd.ttf | 7.00 | |
Times New Roman Bold Italic | Timesbi.ttf | 7.00 | |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS | Trebuc.ttf | 5.15 |
Trebuchet MS Italic | Trebucit.ttf | 5.15 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold | Trebucbd.ttf | 5.15 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | Trebucbi.ttf | 5.15 | |
Verdana | Verdana | Verdana.ttf | 5.33 |
Verdana Italic | Verdanai.ttf | 5.33 | |
Verdana Bold | Verdanab.ttf | 5.33 | |
Verdana Bold Italic | Verdanaz.ttf | 5.33 | |
Webdings | Webdings | Webdings.ttf | 5.01 |
Wingdings | Wingdings | Wingding.ttf | 5.01 |
Yu Gothic | Yu Gothic Light | YuGothL.ttc | 1.90 |
Yu Gothic Regular | YuGothR.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic Medium * | Yugothm.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic Bold | YuGothB.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Light * | YuGothL.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Semilight * | YuGothR.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Regular * | Yugothm.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Semibold * | YuGothB.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Bold * | YuGothB.ttc | 1.90 |
Fonts included in Feature On Demand (FOD) packages
Here's a comprehensive listing of which font families are included with each of the optional font features. Some font families may include multiple fonts for different weights and styles.
Arabic Script Supplemental Fonts
Languages using Arabic script; e.g., Arabic, Persian, Urdu.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aldhabi | Aldhabi | Aldhabi.ttf | 6.84 |
Andalus | Andalus | Andlso.ttf | 6.84 |
Arabic Typesetting | Arabic Typesetting | Arabtype.ttf | 6.84 |
Microsoft Uighur | Microsoft Uighur | Msuighur.ttf | 7.00 |
Microsoft Uighur Bold | MSUighub.ttf | 7.00 | |
Sakkal Majalla | Sakkal Majalla | Majalla.ttf | 6.86 |
Sakkal Majalla Bold | Majallab.ttf | 6.86 | |
Simplified Arabic | Simplified Arabic | Simpo.ttf | 6.98 |
Simplified Arabic Bold | Simpbdo.ttf | 6.98 | |
Simplified Arabic Fixed | Simpfxo.ttf | 6.84 | |
Traditional Arabic | Traditional Arabic | Trado.ttf | 6.84 |
Traditional Arabic Bold | Tradbdo.ttf | 6.84 | |
Urdu Typesetting | Urdu Typesetting | UrdType.ttf | 6.86 |
Urdu Typesetting Bold | UrdTypeb.ttf | 6.86 |
Bangla Script Supplemental Fonts
Languages using Bangla script; e.g., Assamese, Bangla.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Shonar Bangla | Shonar Bangla | Shonar.ttf | 6.90 |
Shonar Bangla Bold | Shonarb.ttf | 6.90 | |
Vrinda | Vrinda | Vrinda.ttf | 6.90 |
Vrinda Bold | Vrindab.ttf | 6.90 |
Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Supplemental Fonts
Languages using Canadian Syllabics script; e.g., Inuktitut.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Euphemia | Euphemia | Euphemia.ttf | 5.08 |
Cherokee Supplemental Fonts
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantc.ttf | 5.09 |
Devanagari Supplemental Fonts
Language using Devanagari script; e.g., Hindi, Konkani, Marathi.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aparajita | Aparajita | Aparaj.ttf | 6.90 |
Aparajita Italic | Aparaji.ttf | 6.90 | |
Aparajita Bold | Aparajb.ttf | 6.90 | |
Aparajita Bold Italic | Aparajbi.ttf | 6.90 | |
Kokila | Kokila | Kokila.ttf | 6.90 |
Kokila Italic | Kokilai.ttf | 6.90 | |
Kokila Bold | Kokilab.ttf | 6.90 | |
Kokila Bold Italic | Kokilabi.ttf | 6.90 | |
Mangal | Mangal | Mangal.ttf | 6.90 |
Mangal Bold | MangalB.ttf | 6.90 | |
Sanskrit Text | Sanskrit Text * | Sanskr.ttf | 1.00 |
Utsaah | Utsaah | Utsaah.ttf | 6.90 |
Utsaah Italic | Utsaahi.ttf | 6.90 | |
Utsaah Bold | Utsaahb.ttf | 6.90 | |
Utsaah Bold Italic | Utsaahbi.ttf | 6.90 |
Ethiopic Supplemental Fonts
Languages using Ethiopic script; e.g., Amharic, Tigrinya.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Nyala | Nyala | Nyala.ttf | 5.04 |
Gujarati Supplemental Fonts
Gujarati; any other language using Gujurati script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Shruti | Shruti | Shruti.ttf | 6.90 |
Shruti Bold | Shrutib.ttf | 6.90 |
Gurmukhi Supplemental Fonts
Panjabi; any other language using Gurmukhi script
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Raavi | Raavi | Raavi.ttf | 6.90 |
Raavi Bold | Raavib.ttf | 6.90 |
Chinese (Simplified) Supplemental Fonts
Folder Font Size
Simplified Chinese
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
DengXian | DengXian Light * | Dengl.ttf | 1.17 |
DengXian * | Deng.ttf | 1.17 | |
DengXian Bold * | Dengb.ttf | 1.17 | |
FangSong | FangSong | Simfang.ttf | 5.01 |
KaiTi | KaiTi | Simkai.ttf | 5.01 |
SimHei | SimHei | Simhei.ttf | 5.03 |
Chinese (Traditional) Supplemental Fonts
Traditional Chinese
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
DFKai-SB | DFKai-SB | Kaiu.ttf | 5.01 |
MingLiU | MingLiU | Mingliu.ttc | 7.03 |
MingLiU_HKSCS | Mingliu.ttc | 7.03 | |
PMingLiU | Mingliu.ttc | 7.03 |
Hebrew Supplemental Fonts
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aharoni Bold | Aharoni Bold | Ahronbd.ttf | 6.01 |
David | David | David.ttf | 6.01 |
David Bold | Davidbd.ttf | 6.01 | |
FrankRuehl | FrankRuehl | Frank.ttf | 6.01 |
Gisha | Gisha | Gisha.ttf | 6.01 |
Gisha Bold | Gishabd.ttf | 6.01 | |
Levenim MT | Levenim MT | Lvnm.ttf | 6.01 |
Levenim MT Bold | Lvnmbd.ttf | 6.01 | |
Miriam | Miriam | Mriam.ttf | 6.01 |
Miriam Fixed | Mriamc.ttf | 6.01 | |
Narkisim | Narkisim | Nrkis.ttf | 6.01 |
Rod | Rod | Rod.ttf | 6.01 |
Japanese Supplemental Fonts
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
BIZ UDGothic | BIZ UDGothic * | BIZ-UDGothicR.ttc | 2.00 |
BIZ UDGothic Bold * | BIZ-UDGothicB.ttc | 2.00 | |
BIZ UDPGothic * | BIZ-UDGothicR.ttc | 2.00 | |
BIZ UDPGothic Bold * | BIZ-UDGothicB.ttc | 2.00 | |
BIZ UDMincho Medium | BIZ UDMincho Medium * | BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc | 2.00 |
BIZ UDPMincho Medium * | BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc | 2.00 | |
Meiryo | Meiryo | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 |
Meiryo Italic | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo Bold | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo Bold Italic | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI Italic | Meiryo.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI Bold | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI Bold Italic | Meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
MS Mincho | MS Mincho | Msmincho.ttc | 5.30 |
MS PMincho | Msmincho.ttc | 5.30 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho | UD Digi Kyokasho N-B * | UDDigiKyokashoN-B.ttc | 2.00 |
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-B * | UDDigiKyokashoN-B.ttc | 2.00 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-R * | UDDigiKyokashoN-R.ttc | 2.00 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-B * | UDDigiKyokashoN-B.ttc | 2.00 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-R * | UDDigiKyokashoN-R.ttc | 2.00 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho N-R * | UDDigiKyokashoN-R.ttc | 2.00 | |
Yu Mincho | Yu Mincho Light | Yuminl.ttf | 1.90 |
Yu Mincho Regular | Yumin.ttf | 1.90 | |
Yu Mincho Demibold | Yumindb.ttf | 1.90 |
Kannada Supplemental Fonts
Kannada; any other language using Kannada script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Tunga | Tunga | Tunga.ttf | 6.90 |
Tunga Bold | Tungab.ttf | 6.90 |
Khmer Supplemental Fonts
Cambodian; any other language using Khmer script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
DaunPenh | DaunPenh | Daunpenh.ttf | 5.05 |
Khmer UI | Khmer UI | KhmerUI.ttf | 5.05 |
Khmer UI Bold | KhmerUIB.ttf | 5.05 | |
MoolBoran | MoolBoran | Moolbor.ttf | 5.05 |
Korean Supplemental Fonts
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Batang | Batang | Batang.ttc | 5.02 |
BatangChe | Batang.ttc | 5.02 | |
Dotum | Dotum | Gulim.ttc | 5.03 |
DotumChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.03 | |
Gulim | Gulim | Gulim.ttc | 5.03 |
GulimChe | Gulim.ttc | 5.03 | |
Gungsuh | Gungsuh | Batang.ttc | 5.02 |
GungsuhChe | Batang.ttc | 5.02 |
Lao Supplemental Fonts
Lao; any other language using Lao script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
DokChampa | DokChampa | Dokchamp.ttf | 5.06 |
Lao UI | Lao UI | Laoui.ttf | 5.06 |
Lao UI Bold | Laouib.ttf | 5.06 |
Malayalam Supplemental Fonts
Malayalam; any other language using Malayalam script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Kartika | Kartika | Kartika.ttf | 6.90 |
Kartika Bold | Kartikab.ttf | 6.90 |
Odia Supplemental Fonts
Odia; any other language using Odia script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Kalinga | Kalinga | Kalinga.ttf | 6.90 |
Kalinga Bold | Kalingab.ttf | 6.90 |
* Pan-European Supplemental Fonts
No automatic language associations.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Arial Nova | Arial Nova Light | ArialNova-Light.ttf | 1.05 |
Arial Nova Light Italic | ArialNova-LightItalic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova | ArialNova.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Italic | ArialNova-Italic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Bold | ArialNova-Bold.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Bold Italic | ArialNova-BoldItalic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Light | ArialNovaCond-Light.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Light Italic | ArialNovaCond-LightItalic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond | ArialNovaCond.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Italic | ArialNovaCond-Italic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Bold | ArialNovaCond-Bold.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Bold Italic | ArialNovaCond-BoldItalic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Georgia Pro | Georgia Pro Light | GeorgiaPro-Light.ttf | 6.14 |
Georgia Pro Light Italic | GeorgiaPro-LightItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro | GeorgiaPro-Regular.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Italic | GeorgiaPro-Italic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Semibold | GeorgiaPro-SemiBold.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Semibold Italic | GeorgiaPro-SemiBoldItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Bold | GeorgiaPro-Bold.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Bold Italic | GeorgiaPro-BoldItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Black | GeorgiaPro-Black.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Black Italic | GeorgiaPro-BlackItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Light | GeorgiaPro-CondLight.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Light Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondLightItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond | GeorgiaPro-CondRegular.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Semibold | GeorgiaPro-CondSemiBold.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Semibold Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondSemiBoldItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Bold | GeorgiaPro-CondBold.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Bold Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondBoldItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Black | GeorgiaPro-CondBlack.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Black Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondBlackItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Gill Sans Nova | Gill Sans Nova Light | GillSansLightNova.ttf | 1.02 |
Gill Sans Nova Light Italic | GillSansLightItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova | GillSansNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Italic | GillSansItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Bold | GillSansBoNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Bold Italic | GillSansBoItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Ultra Bold | GillSansUltraBoNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt | GillSansCondLightNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt Italic | GillSansCondLightItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond | GillSansCondNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Italic | GillSansCondItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Bold | GillSansCondBoNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Bold Italic | GillSansCondBoItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd | GillSansCondExtraNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd Italic | GillSansCondExtraItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Ultra Bold | GillSansCondUltraBoNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro | Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro | NHaasGroteskTXPro-55Rg.ttf | 1.05 |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Italic | NHaasGroteskTXPro-56It.ttf | 1.05 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Medium | NHaasGroteskTXPro-65Md.ttf | 1.05 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Medium Italic | NHaasGroteskTXPro-66MdIt.ttf | 1.05 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Bold | NHaasGroteskTXPro-75Bd.ttf | 1.05 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Bold Italic | NHaasGroteskTXPro-76BdIt.ttf | 1.05 | |
Rockwell Nova | Rockwell Nova | RockwellNova.ttf | 1.02 |
Rockwell Nova Bold | RockwellNova-Bold.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Bold Italic | RockwellNova-BoldItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond | RockwellNovaCond.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond Bold | RockwellNovaCond-Bold.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond Bold Italic | RockwellNovaCond-BoldItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond Italic | RockwellNovaCond-Italic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond Light | RockwellNovaCond-Light.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond Light Italic | RockwellNovaCond-LightItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold | RockwellNova-ExtraBold.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold Italic | RockwellNova-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Italic | RockwellNova-Italic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Light | RockwellNova-Light.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Light Italic | RockwellNova-LightItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Verdana Pro | Verdana Pro Light | VerdanaPro-Light.ttf | 6.13 |
Verdana Pro Light Italic | VerdanaPro-LightItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro | VerdanaPro-Regular.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Italic | VerdanaPro-Italic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro SemiBold | VerdanaPro-SemiBold.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro SemiBold Italic | VerdanaPro-SemiBoldItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Bold | VerdanaPro-Bold.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Bold Italic | VerdanaPro-BoldItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Black | VerdanaPro-Black.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Black Italic | VerdanaPro-BlackItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Light | VerdanaPro-CondLight.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Light Italic | VerdanaPro-CondLightItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond | VerdanaPro-CondRegular.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Italic | VerdanaPro-CondItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond SemiBold | VerdanaPro-CondSemiBold.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond SemiBold Italic | VerdanaPro-CondSemiBoldItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Bold | VerdanaPro-CondBold.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Bold Italic | VerdanaPro-CondBoldItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Black | VerdanaPro-CondBlack.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Black Italic | VerdanaPro-CondBlackItalic.ttf | 6.13 |
Sinhala Supplemental Fonts
Sinhala; any other language using Sinhala script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Iskoola Pota | Iskoola Pota | Iskpota.ttf | 6.96 |
Iskoola Pota Bold | Iskpotab.ttf | 6.96 |
Syriac Supplemental Fonts
Languages using Syriac script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Estrangelo Edessa | Estrangelo Edessa | Estre.ttf | 6.84 |
Tamil Supplemental Fonts
Tamil; any other language using Tamil script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Latha | Latha | Latha.ttf | 6.90 |
Latha Bold | Lathab.ttf | 6.90 | |
Vijaya | Vijaya | Vijaya.ttf | 6.90 |
Vijaya Bold | Vijayab.ttf | 6.90 |
Telugu Supplemental Fonts
Telugu; any other language using Telugu script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Gautami | Gautami | Gautami.ttf | 6.90 |
Gautami Bold | Gautamib.ttf | 6.90 | |
Vani | Vani | Vani.ttf | 6.90 |
Vani Bold | Vanib.ttf | 6.90 |
Thai Supplemental Fonts
Thai; any other language using Thai script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Angsana New | Angsana New | Angsana.ttc | 5.05 |
Angsana New Italic | Angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
Angsana New Bold | Angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
Angsana New Bold Italic | Angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
AngsanaUPC | AngsanaUPC | Angsana.ttc | 5.05 |
AngsanaUPC Italic | Angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold | Angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold Italic | Angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
Browallia New | Browallia New | Browalia.ttc | 5.05 |
Browallia New Italic | Browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Browallia New Bold | Browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Browallia New Bold Italic | Browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
BrowalliaUPC | BrowalliaUPC | Browalia.ttc | 5.05 |
BrowalliaUPC Italic | Browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold | Browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic | Browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Cordia New | Cordia New | Cordia.ttc | 5.05 |
Cordia New Italic | Cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Cordia New Bold | Cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Cordia New Bold Italic | Cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
CordiaUPC | CordiaUPC | Cordia.ttc | 5.05 |
CordiaUPC Italic | Cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
CordiaUPC Bold | Cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
CordiaUPC Bold Italic | Cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
DilleniaUPC | DilleniaUPC | Upcdl.ttf | 5.05 |
DilleniaUPC Italic | Upcdi.ttf | 5.05 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold | Upcdb.ttf | 5.05 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold Italic | Upcdbi.ttf | 5.05 | |
EucrosiaUPC | EucrosiaUPC | Upcel.ttf | 5.05 |
EucrosiaUPC Italic | Upcei.ttf | 5.05 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold | Upceb.ttf | 5.05 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcebi.ttf | 5.05 | |
FreesiaUPC | FreesiaUPC | Upcfl.ttf | 5.05 |
FreesiaUPC Italic | Upcfi.ttf | 5.05 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold | Upcfb.ttf | 5.05 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold Italic | Upcfbi.ttf | 5.05 | |
IrisUPC | IrisUPC | Upcil.ttf | 5.05 |
IrisUPC Italic | Upcii.ttf | 5.05 | |
IrisUPC Bold | Upcib.ttf | 5.05 | |
IrisUPC Bold Italic | Upcibi.ttf | 5.05 | |
JasmineUPC | JasmineUPC | Upcjl.ttf | 5.05 |
JasmineUPC Italic | Upcji.ttf | 5.05 | |
JasmineUPC Bold | Upcjb.ttf | 5.05 | |
JasmineUPC Bold Italic | Upcjbi.ttf | 5.05 | |
KodchiangUPC | KodchiangUPC | Upckl.ttf | 5.05 |
KodchiangUPC Italic | Upcki.ttf | 5.05 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold | Upckb.ttf | 5.05 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold Italic | Upckbi.ttf | 5.05 | |
Leelawadee | Leelawadee | Leelawad.ttf | 5.06 |
Leelawadee Bold | Leelawdb.ttf | 5.06 | |
LilyUPC | LilyUPC | Upcll.ttf | 5.05 |
LilyUPC Italic | Upcli.ttf | 5.05 | |
LilyUPC Bold | Upclb.ttf | 5.05 | |
LilyUPC Bold Italic | Upclbi.ttf | 5.05 |
* Added in Windows 10.
Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.
This article contains an overview of fonts. Additionally, it describes how to troubleshoot font problems in Microsoft Office Word 2007 and later.
More Information
Overview of fonts
A font is a graphic design that is applied to a collection of numbers, symbols, and characters. A font specifies qualities such as typeface, size, spacing, and pitch. Fonts are used to print text on various output devices and to display text on the screen. Fonts have font styles such as italic, bold, and bold italic.
Outline fonts
TrueType fonts and OpenType fonts are outline fonts that are rendered from line commands and from curve commands. OpenType is an extension of TrueType. Both TrueType fonts and OpenType fonts can be scaled and rotated. TrueType fonts and OpenType fonts look good in all sizes and on all output devices that are supported by Microsoft Windows.
Screen fonts
ClearType fonts are screen fonts that are optimized for an LCD screen. On an LCD screen, ClearType fonts use sub-pixel information to smooth out the fonts' jagged edges.
Printer fonts
In most programs that support printing, you can select among different printer fonts. Printers that offer the widest assortment of fonts include laser printers, ink-jet printers, and dot-matrix printers. You can divide printer fonts into the following three categories:
Internal fonts
Internal fonts are also named resident fonts. Laser printers, ink-jet printers, and dot-matrix printers frequently use internal fonts. Internal fonts are already loaded into the printer's read-only memory (ROM). Internal fonts are always available for printing.
Cartridge fonts
Cartridge fonts are stored in a cartridge or in a card that plugs into the printer. To expand a printer's set of internal fonts, you can install font cartridges. Or, you can load fonts from software.
Downloadable fonts
Downloadable fonts are also named soft fonts. The computer sends downloadable fonts to the printer's memory when the fonts are required for printing. Laser printers and other page printers frequently use downloadable fonts. Some dot-matrix printers also use them. To increase printer speed, you should install downloadable fonts locally on client computers that print to Windows print servers.
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For each document that you print, Windows may have to send the screen fonts and the downloadable fonts that the document requires to the printer. To increase printer speed, use the following techniques:
- Use fonts that do not have to be downloaded, such as internal fonts or cartridge fonts.
- Some printers have a feature that enables the printer to keep a list of downloadable fonts. If your printer has this feature, make sure that you turn on the feature.
Not all printers can use all three types of fonts. For example, pen plotters cannot ordinarily use downloadable fonts. For more information about the types of fonts that you can use, see the printer's documentation.
Raster fonts
Raster fonts are also named bitmapped fonts. They are stored as bitmaps. A bitmap is a pattern of dots. Raster fonts are designed with a specific size and with a specific resolution for a specific printer. You cannot scale or rotate raster fonts. If a printer does not support raster fonts, it will not print them. The following fonts are the five raster fonts:
- Courier
- MS Sans Serif
- MS Serif
- Small
- Symbol
Vector fonts
Vector fonts are useful for output devices that cannot reproduce bitmaps. For example, pen plotters use vector fonts. Vector font characters are drawn with lines instead of with patterns of dots. You can scale characters to any size or to any aspect ratio. The following fonts are the three vector fonts:
- Modern
- Roman
- Script
How to work with fonts in Word 2007 and Word 2010
To change the default font in Word 2007
Create a new blank Word 2007 document.
On the Home tab, click Font Dialog in the Font group.
On the Font tab, select the options that you want to apply to the default font.
Click Default.
I've got one and have been playing with it on both Tiger and Leopard and getting much the same results. Microsoft lifecam studio mac os x. I agree with the difficulty operating this camera. Granted, the webcam is useable but its far from a perfect picture. I get the disco lights effect to begin with, then sometimes it settles down and sometimes it doesn't. Unfortunately I'd describe the support for this camera as 'problematic' at best.
Click Yes to the following message:
When you create a new document that is based on the Normal template (Normal.dotm), the new document uses the font settings that you selected.
To print a sample of all the available fonts in Word 2007 and Word 2010
You can use a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications macro to generate a list of the fonts that are available to Word. Additionally, the macro displays a sample of each font. After you have run the macro, you can print a Word document that contains the list and the samples. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
209205 Macro to generate list of available fonts in Word
To find fonts that are similar
- Click Start, click Run, type control fonts, and then click OK.
- On the View menu, click List Fonts By Similarity.
- In the List fonts by similarity to box, click the font that you want to compare with the other fonts on the computer.
Change Folder Fonts Windows 10
Panose font mapping information is stored with the font to describe the font's characteristics. For example, these characteristics may include serif or sans serif, normal, bold, or italic. If no Panose information is available, the font appears at the bottom of the list, and it does not appear in the List fonts by similarity to box.
How to troubleshoot font problems in Word 2007 and Word 2010
Before you start to troubleshoot font problems
Before you start to troubleshoot font problems in Word 2007 and Word 2010, review the following general topics:
Where Is My Font Folder
Always make sure that you have installed the latest service pack for your version of Windows. Several font problems have been corrected in Windows service packs.
The exact number of TrueType fonts that you can install depends on the length of the TrueType font names and of the TrueType file names.
Basic steps to troubleshoot font problems
To troubleshoot font problems in Word 2007 and Word 2010, follow these basic steps:
Make sure that you are using the correct printer driver.
Your problem may be that the default printer driver in Windows is a generic/text only printer driver, an installed fax driver, or a similar driver. To change the printer driver that Microsoft Word uses, use one of the following methods.
Important Do not select a generic/text only printer driver or an installed fax driver as your default printer in Windows.
- In Word, click the Microsoft Office Button or File Tab (Word 2010), and then click Print. In the Namebox, click the name of an installed printer.
- Click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes. Right-click an installed printer, and then click Set as Default Printer.
Check to see whether the problem occurs in a new document.
Create a new Word document that is based on the Normal.dotm template. To create a new document that is based on the global template, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click New. Click Blank document, and then click Create.
Based on what occurs in the new document, follow these steps:
- In the new document, try a different font. If you have no problems when you use a different font, the problem may be related to a specific font in Windows. Go to the next step to continue to troubleshoot.
- In the new document, use the font that you used in the original Word document. If the font problem no longer occurs in the new Word document, the original document is probably damaged.
If the problem with a specific font persists in the new document, try to use the font in a new WordPad document. To create a WordPad document, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click WordPad.
If the problem that you experienced in Word persists in the WordPad document, the font is probably damaged. You may have to delete and then reinstall the problem font in Windows.
To delete a font, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type control fonts, and then click OK.
Click the font that you want to remove.
Note To select more than one font, press and hold down CTRL, and then click each font that you want to remove.
On the Filemenu, click Delete.
Click Yesto the following message: Are you sure you want to delete these fonts?
To reinstall the font, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type control fonts, and then click OK.
On the Filemenu, click Install New Font.
In the Drives box, click the drive that contains the font that you want to install.
In the Folderslist, double-click the folder that contains the font that you want to install.
In the List of fonts list, click the font that you want to install, and then click OK.
Note To install all the fonts that are listed, click Select All, and then click OK.
For more information about how to delete a font or how to install a font in Windows, contact either Microsoft Windows Technical Support or the vendor that supplies the font.
For more information about how to obtain help with Windows XP, click Start, click Help and Support Center, and then click Get support, or find information in Windows XP newsgroups.
Check to see whether the problem occurs when you print the document at a lower resolution.
You may have to print the document at a printer resolution that differs from the resolution at which the printer ordinarily prints. By default, most printers print at either 300 dpi (dots per inch) or at 600 dpi. To determine whether the printer resolution is the problem, follow these steps:
Click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes.
Right-click the installed printer driver, and then click Properties.
Note The steps to change printer resolution differ depending on the printer driver. For more information, see the printer's documentation.
Click the Graphics tab. In the Resolution list, click a lower resolution setting. For example, in the Resolution list, click 150 dots per inch.
Click OK.
Check to see whether the problem occurs when you print to a different printer.
The installed printer driver may not be able to correctly print the font that you want. To determine whether this is the problem, specify a different printer as the default printer. Then, try to print the document.
If the different printer correctly prints the Word document, the original installed printer driver may be damaged. Or, the original installed printer driver cannot print the document correctly. To correct these problems, use one of the following methods:
- Remove and then reinstall the original printer driver.
- Download and then install an updated printer driver for the printer.
- Use a printer driver that is compatible with the printer.
Additional resources
Microsoft provides a typography Web site that explains the benefits and the features of TrueType. TrueType is the world's most popular digital font format. The site helps people to use type in more innovative ways in media such as print, video, and the World Wide Web.
For more information, see Microsoft Typography.
Mac Font Directory
The Microsoft Typography Web site includes the following resources:
Where Is The Font Folder
Web Embedding Fonts Tool (WEFT)
With WEFT you can create font objects that are linked to your Web pages. When font objects are linked to your Web pages, Internet Explorer users see the pages displayed with the font styles that are contained in the font objects.
Font Properties Extension
Font Properties Extension adds several new property tabs to the default Properties dialog box. These tabs include the following information:
- Font origination
- Font copyright
- The type sizes to which hinting and smoothing are applied
- The code pages that are supported by extended character sets
ClearType Tuner PowerToy
With ClearType Tuner PowerToy, you can enable and tune your ClearType settings in Control Panel.